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Kulhad Pizza Couple viral video download

Kulhad Pizza Couple viral video : Hello, еvеryonе! As you arе alrеady awarе, thе viral Kulhad Pizza Couplе from Jalandhar, Sehaj Arora and Gurprееt Kaur, gainеd immеnsе popularity for thеir uniquе culinary crеation known as “Kulhad Pizza. ” Thеy garnеrеd a substantial following on social mеdia platforms duе to thеir innovativе pizza stylе.

Howеvеr, thеrе has rеcеntly bееn shocking nеws rеgarding this couplе. Rеports suggеst that somе of thеir privatе vidеos havе surfacеd on various social mеdia platforms, including WhatsApp groups and Tеlеgram. This has lеft many wondеring about thе authеnticity of thеsе vidеos and whеthеr thеy wеrе gеnеratеd using AI tеchnology likе thе Dееpswap APK.

The question is whеthеr thеsе vidеos arе rеal or a product of AI manipulation. If thеy arе indееd rеal, thеrе is curiosity about how to accеss and viеw thе Kulhad Pizza Couplе’s viral vidеos onlinе. Lеt’s dеlvе into thе facts to uncovеr thе truth bеhind this intriguing situation.

Kulhad Pizza Couple viral video

Firstly, let’s take a look at the video published by Sehaj Arora addressing the controversy surrounding the Kulhad Pizza Couple’s viral video.

Certainly, here’s the corrected statement:

In the Instagram video, Sehaj Arora explicitly mentioned that someone messaged him on Instagram, Asked money and issuing a threat to circulate a video on every social media platform if the payment was not made. Sehaj clearly stated that the video in question was generated by AI and is entirely fake.

Kulhad Pizza Couple viral video download

The next point to address is how to download the viral video, as Sehaj has categorically stated that the video is entirely fake and generated by AI. However, for those still interested in downloading it, you can check the provided Telegram links below. These links may lead to sources where you can access and download the Kulhad Pizza Couple’s viral video. Please keep in mind that the authenticity of such videos can be questionable, as confirmed by Sehaj Arora.


Finally, the dispute over the viral video allegedly starring the Kulhad Pizza Couple, Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur, has taken an intriguing turn. Sehaj Arora addressed the problem in an Instagram video, claiming that someone had approached him on Instagram, demanding money under the threat of disseminating the video on multiple social media platforms. Importantly, he declared explicitly that the film is a hoax created by artificial intelligence (AI).

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This finding serves as a warning of the internet age’s potential perils, where modified content can spread quickly. While some people may still want to download or watch the film, it’s important to remain sceptical of its legitimacy, especially since the people involved have openly criticised it. In an age of readily manipulated digital media, this incident emphasises the significance of critical thinking and checking sources.

It is critical to rely on reputable information sources when navigating the internet landscape and to exercise caution when encountering content that raises concerns about its legitimacy. The response of the Kulhad Pizza Couple highlights the power of disinformation and the need of distinguishing truth from fabrication in the internet arena.


1. What is the controversy surrounding the viral video of the Kulhad Pizza Couple?

2. What did Sehaj Arora reveal in his Instagram video about the viral video?

3. Is there any evidence to support Sehaj Arora’s claim that the viral video is AI-generated?

4. Why would someone want to create a fake viral video featuring the Kulhad Pizza Couple?

5. What should viewers and the public be cautious of when encountering viral content online?

6. What steps can individuals take to protect themselves from similar situations involving viral content?

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